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Presentation of government measures to support the construction industry and access to housing

Press release from the Ministry of the Economy, the General Directorate for the Middle Classes and the Ministry of Housing (in French)

En date du 20 juin 2023, le ministre du Logement, Henri Kox, le ministre des Classes moyennes, Lex Delles, et le ministre de l’Économie, Franz Fayot, ont présenté le paquet de mesures pour soutenir les métiers de la construction et l’accès au logement. Ciblant les PME, les communes et les ménages, ces mesures ont été élaborées par un groupe interministériel mis en place par le gouvernement et placé sous la direction du ministre du Logement.

En 2022, partout en Europe, le marché immobilier a été fortement affecté par des éléments conjoncturels. En effet, à l’issue de la crise de COVID-19, la guerre en Ukraine, l’inflation élevée (y compris en ce qui concerne les matières premières nécessaires dans la construction) et la subséquente hausse des taux d’intérêt ont contribué à un ralentissement significatif de l’activité. Au Luxembourg également, les acteurs des secteurs de l’immobilier et de la construction témoignent d’inquiétudes et estiment que leurs indicateurs montrent des mouvements significatifs et négatifs ces derniers trimestres.

Ces évolutions sur le marché résidentiel risquent d’avoir un impact négatif sur la branche de la construction en 2023 et 2024.

Conscient de la situation tendue pour un grand nombre de petites et moyennes entreprises dans le secteur du bâtiment et du génie civil, dont l’activité se limite au logement, le gouvernement a décidé de prendre des mesures nécessaires pour stabiliser le marché de l’emploi dans le secteur de la construction et soutenir la production de logements.

Le paquet de mesure décidé par le gouvernement vise à:

  • Rétablir la confiance du public dans l’investissement immobilier, notamment pour les besoins d’occupation personnelle ;
  • Renforcer les perspectives du secteur de la construction, notamment par des coups de pouce supplémentaire dans le domaine de la rénovation énergétique ;
  • Soutenir financièrement les PME dans leurs efforts de transition énergétique au niveau de leurs équipements et du développement des compétences professionnels et techniques de leurs salariés ;
  • Soutenir le secteur communal tant par un meilleur accompagnement des projets de rénovation que par une augmentation substantielle des aides étatiques pour la réalisation de ces mesures ;
  • Accélérer le développement d’un parc de logements locatifs abordables en renforçant l’étroite collaboration entre le secteur privé et les promoteurs publics.

La taskforce mise en place à cet effet par le gouvernement était coordonnée par le ministre Henri Kox et se composait en outre des ministres François Bausch, Taina Bofferding, Franz Fayot, Lex Delles, Georges Engel et Yuriko Backes. Au cours des travaux, des représentants du ministère de l’Énergie et de l’Aménagement du territoire et du ministère de l’Environnement, du Climat et du Développement durable ont rejoint la taskforce.

(de g. à dr.) Franz Fayot, ministre de l’Économie ; Henri Kox, ministre du Logement ; Lex Delles, ministre des Classes moyennes

Communiqué par le ministère de l’Économie, la Direction générale des classes moyennes et le ministère du Logement

Welcome to the new platform Klimapakt fir Betriber

klimpaktfirbetriber.lu: Facilitating the path to decarbonisation and energy transition

Discover the new digital platform of the government initiative Klimapakt fir Betriber (Climate Pact for Business), which aims to support Luxembourg businesses in decarbonisation and energy transition.

Managed by Klima-Agence and Luxinnovation in partnership with the relevant sectors, this platform offers attractive and easily accessible support to companies that choose to make a commitment: consultancy, a catalogue of measures, tools, information on financing your investments and contacts with key players and companies.

On the platform you will find a catalogue of measures with standardised solutions and targeted techniques that Luxembourg companies, both large and small, can implement. Measures can vary in scope, from installing a photovoltaic system to optimising a heat production unit or analysing the energy situation.

Be inspired by the examples of good practice already implemented by companies.

Environment Award 2023

FEDIL’s Environment Prize is awarded every two years to businesses whose technical and financial efforts are aimed at reconciling productivity and the conservation of natural resources.

Participate in FEDIL’s Environmental Award

Submit your application form by the 15th of September 2023 for one or more of the following categories:

  1. clean technologies: Innovative practices that reduce the impact of companies’ operations on the environment;
  2. ‘green’ products: Products that take into account environmental protection at the different stages of their life cycle;
  3. environmental management: innovative measures to improve environmental management.

The winners will be awarded at an awards ceremony on the 21st of November 2023. They will benefit from extensive press coverage and will be gifted a promotional video of their project.

Retrospective of previous awards and winners

Sustainable construction for resilient cities

Exchange day on “Sustainable construction for resilient cities”.

📅 6 July 2023
📍 Parc Hotel Alvisse, Luxembourg

Program and registration for the discussion event on “Sustainable construction for resilient cities”

The Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST), in collaboration with Luxinnovation and the Betriber&Emwelt platform are organizing a conference on sustainable construction for resilient cities, on July 6, 2023 at the Parc Hôtel Alvisse.

The building sector contributes around 37% of global CO2-eq emissions, consumes around 33% of resources and accounts for 40% of energy demand in Europe.  More generally, this sector is facing numerous challenges linked to climate change: energy shortages, lack of availability and access to natural resources, and pressure to meet the objectives of the Paris Agreement and the Green Pact for Europe by 2050.

The scale of these challenges requires all players in the construction industry to come together to find innovative, sustainable solutions for the transition to eco-design of buildings, circular construction and resilient cities.

Through speeches, round tables and networking opportunities, this event aims to bring together experts and stakeholders from the construction sector and industry, in order to;

  • Take stock of the situation in Luxembourg ;
  • Discuss and share best practices ;
  • Present innovative demonstrators and new technological solutions ;
  • exchange views on the priorities of the sector and the possibilities for pooling initiatives in order to accelerate the transition towards a more sustainable construction sector ;
  • reflect on the role of research in Luxembourg at the service of the construction sector.

Launch conference « Klimapakt fir Betriber »

In response to the climate emergency and the current energy crisis, the government is launching the “Klimapakt fir Betriber” programme to guide Luxembourg companies through this situation. The launch of the Klimapakt fir Betriber on Tuesday 10 January 2023 was an opportunity for the various partners in the government programme, whose operational management is provided by Klima-Agence and Luxinnovation, to present their support measures for companies wishing to make efforts in terms of decarbonisation and energy transition.

At the launch conference, the Minister for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, Lex Delles, the Minister for Economic Affairs, Franz Fayot, the Minister for Energy and Spatial Planning, Claude Turmes, and the Minister for the Environment, Climate and Sustainable Development, Joëlle Welfring, will discuss the importance of the “Klimapakt fir Betriber” and outline the government’s current commitments.

Dedicated support tools

Klima-Agence, in collaboration with Luxinnovation and in close partnership with the relevant industries, supports companies by offering them easily accessible and attractive support, through an integrated catalogue of standardised measures including advice, a toolbox, co-financing for investments and contacts with key players and other companies. This catalogue will form the core of the klimapaktfirbetriber.lu portal and will go online in early spring.

Klima-Agence, as a national partner in energy and climate issues for private individuals, local authorities, professionals and state institutions, benefits from expertise rooted at local, regional and municipal level, which it also makes available to companies through programmes such as the FEDIL Voluntary Agreement and various support tools for energy efficiency and climate protection. This growing portfolio of tools includes the national solar cadastre, a networking tool for charging infrastructure projects, a list of planners for photovoltaic projects, and a guide to planning charging infrastructure. core/paragraph

Its expertise in the management and ongoing development of the Climate Pact for municipalities since 2013 also enables Klima-Agence to facilitate the promotion of the Klimapakt fir Betriber at regional level by harnessing the synergies between the various initiatives. In the spring, the organisation of a roadshow to meet companies will create decentralised forums for exchange and showcase the various Klimapakt fir Betriber instruments.


Here you will find the presentations from the launch conference, which you can download and consult at your leisure.

Mobilité électrique

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